Bangladesh – Shrimps & Vegetable Curry


What’s cooking in Bangladesh?

Shrimps and Vegetable Curry

Sharin is originally from Bangladesh and has a passion for cuisine. Their family’s live revolves around the kitchen table, and even after a busy evening in her restaurant, she still comes home to her kitchen and cooks to relax. Sharin has been fortunate to live in many countries and was therefore able to try out lots of different and traditional dishes. Some of the many places she lived in were Miami and New York which are both places that have a rich variety of colorful cultures. Sharin says they tasted everything those cities offered. She is now settled in Switzerland for 12 years already and decided to open her own restaurant in Nyon, called Falaque. She created a restaurant with a personal touch and wants for it to feel like home for her guests. They offer homemade dishes, cooked from scratch, without additives. Sharin uses her own special Garam Masala in her restaurant, a blend of spices that that has been passed on for generations in her family. If you are in the Nyon area, go check out restaurant Falaque!

The recipe Sharin shares with us is a typical recipe from Bangladesh, which is easy to cook.

Shrimps and Vegetable Curry

Cooking time: approximately 30 minutes



For 4 persons

  • 600g zucchini cubed (in fall this recipe is delicious with pumpkin says Sharin)
  • 500g shrimps
  • 1 medium onion diced
  • 2 cloves garlic minced
  • 1 tablespoon cumin
  • 1 teaspoon dried chili flakes (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons oil
  • salt to taste
  • coriander leaves to garnish (optional)
  • rice
  • a lime or a lemon

How to prepare:

Fry the minced garlic, cumin & chili flakes in oil.  Add the onions and cook the onions until translucent.  Add the shrimps, zucchini (or pumpkin in fall), salt & sugar and cook uncovered for about 8 to 10 minutes on medium heat.

Garnish with chopped coriander leaves. Serve it with plain rice, and a dash of lime juice.

Tip: Add a can of chickpeas when you add the pumpkin & shrimps to make it a hearty and wholesome dish.


Find out more:

If you would like to see more of Sharin’s typical recipes from Bangladesh, feel free to have a look on the blog on her website:

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